Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.

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Burkina Faso collections database

 Download PDF document        Last update: 2009-11-04   Done by: Adjima Thiombiano     Copy dataset as template

Dataset metadata
DescriptionDigitized collections of the Herbarium Ouagadougou (OUA), partly collected and/or digitized in the course of BIOTA.
Purpose Compilation of collection data from Burkina Faso for analyses of biodiversity, taxonomy, biogeography (e.g., distribution models), macroecology, phytosociology, etc. and collection management
Main theme(s)
  1. Biodiversity
  2. Conservation
  3. Ecosystem
  4. Environment
  5. Flora
  6. Habitats
  1. Deforestation
  2. Drought
  3. Erosion
  4. Fallows
  5. Forest
  6. Fruit types
  7. Grassland
  8. Grazing
  9. Life forms
  10. Parklands
  11. Photosynthetic types
  12. Protected areas
  13. Savanna
  14. Species richness
Biome(s) Steppe, Savanna, Woodland
Country(ies) Mainly Burkina Faso
Administration unit(s)
BIOTA Observatory(ies)
  1. Gorom Gorom
  2. Fada N’Gourma
  3. Pama
  4. Yako
  5. Banfora
  6. Ouagadougou
  7. Koudougou
  8. Diapaga
  9. Orodara
  10. Dédougou
  11. Gaoua
  12. Tougan
Period(s) 2001-2006
Sampling method(s) Herbarium specimens
Responsible person(s) Adjima Thiombiano; Sita Guinko; numerous collectors
Regional networks(s) BIOTA West Africa
Related subprojects / workpackages / topics
  1. W11
  2. CT1
  3. CT2
  4. CT3
Copyright holder Laboratory of plant biologiy and ecology, University of Ouagadougou
Restrictions of dissemination (4) Data provider
Start time of protection 2001
Duration of protection unlimited
Rationale / notes ongoing analyses for own publications; especially PhD theses and vascular plant checklist, sensitive data on rare species

Format MS-Access 2002-2003
File name(s) / size(s) OUA_2009-01-14.mdb / 11 MB
Software requirements MS Access
    File name(s)
    Related publications Mbayngone E, Schmidt M, Hahn-Hadjali K, Thiombiano A, Guinko S (2008) Magnoliophyta of the partial faunal reserve of Pama, Burkina Faso. Checklist 4 (3): 251-266. Schmidt M, Kreft H, Thiombiano A, Zizka G (2005) Herbarium collections and field data-based plant diversity maps for Burkina Faso. Diversity and Distributions 11: 509-516. (IF 2005: 3.345) Schmidt M, Kreft H, Thiombiano A, Zizka G (2007) Indicator value of different vascular plant families for overall plant diversity in the savanna belt of Western Africa. Ecotropica 13: 135-142. Schmidt M, Thiombiano A, Dressler S, Hahn-Hadjali K, Guinko S, Zizka G (accepted 2009) Phytodiversity data - strengths and weaknesses. A comparison of collection and relevé data from Burkina Faso. In Proceedings of the 18th AETFAT Congress, 26.2. – 2.3.2007 at Yaoundé, Cameroon. Schmidt M, Thiombiano A, Ouédraogo A, Dressler S, Hahn-Hadjali K, Zizka G (accepted 2009) Assessment of the flora of Burkina Faso. In Proceedings of the 18th AETFAT Congress, 26.2. – 2.3.2007 at Yaoundé, Cameroon. Thiombiano A, Schmidt M, Kreft H, Guinko S (2006) Influence du gradient climatique sur la distribution des espèces de Combretaceae au Burkina Faso (Afrique de l'Ouest). Candollea 61: 189-213. (IF 2006: 0.674)

Contact person
Thiombiano, Prof. Adjima 
University of Ouagadougou 
Ouagadougou 09 
7021 Ouagadougou
Burkina Faso 
Phone: +226 50 36 42 77 
Fax: +226 50 30 72 42

Position: Curator and Database manager
