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A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.

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Amphibians of Kakamega Forest, Kenya, East Africa

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Dataset metadata
DescriptionIn total, 24 amphibian species are known from Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya. They belong to the families Bufonidae (2 spp.), Dicroglossidae (1 sp.), Arthroleptidae (2 spp.), Hyperoliidae (8 spp.), Ranidae (1 sp.), Pipidae (1 sp.), Phrynobatrachidae (3 spp.), Pyxicephalidae (1 sp.), and Ptychadenidae (5 spp.). During the BIOTA East-Africa project, one frog species (Leptopelis mackay Köhler et al. 2006) was new described. The species is endemic to Kakamega Forest and its vicinities. Two species represent new records for Kakamega Forest.
Purpose To summarize the present knowledge about the frogs of Kakamega Forest.
Main theme(s)
  1. checklist
  2. Amphibians
  3. Kakamega Forest
  4. Kenya
Biome(s) tropical rainforest
Country(ies) Kenya
Administration unit(s) Kakamega Forest
Locality(ies) Kakamega Forest
BIOTA Observatory(ies)
Period(s) BIOTA Africa phase I + II
Sampling method(s)
Responsible person(s) Andre Koch; Stefan Lötters; Philipp Wagner; Beryl A. Bwong, Susanne Schick; Patrick, K. Malonza; Vincent Muchai; D. Victor Wasonga, Michael Veith
Regional networks(s) BIOTA East Africa
Related subprojects / workpackages / topics BIOTA Africa-E08
Copyright holder Andre Koch
Restrictions of dissemination Available
Start time of protection none
Duration of protection none
Rationale / notes

Format MS-Excel
File name(s) / size(s) Amphibien_Kakamega.xls / 34 KB
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    Related publications
  1. Frost, D. (2008). Amphibian Species of the World 5.3, an Online Reference.
  2. Köhler, J., Scheelke, K., Schick, S., Veith, M., Lötters, S. (2005). Contribution to the taxonomy of hyperoliid frogs (Amphibia: Anura: Hyperoliidae): advertisement calls of twelve species from East and Central Africa. African Zoology, 40(1): 127-142.
  3. Köhler, J., Bwong, B., Schick, S., Veith, M. & Lötters, S. (2006). A new species of arboreal Leptopelis (Anura: Arthroleptidae) from the forests of western Kenya. Herpetological Journal, 16: 183-189.
  4. Lötters, S., Rotich, D., Koester, T.E., Kosuch, J., Muchai, V., Scheelke, K., Schick, S., Teege, P., Wasonga, V.D., Veith, M. (2006). What do we know about the amphibians from the Kenyan central and western high-lands? A faunistic and taxonomic review. Salamandra, 42: 165-179.
  5. Lötters, S., Wagner, P., Bwong, B. A., Schick, S., Malonza, K. P., Muchai, V., Wasonga, D. V., Veith, M. (2007). A fieldguide to the amphibians and reptiles of the Kakamega Forest / Amfibia na reptilia wanaopatikana msitu wa Kakamega. National Museums of Kenya and University of Mainz, Nairobi and Mainz, 112 pp. ISBN 978-3-00-021841-5
  6. Wagner, P. & Böhme, W. (2007). Herpetofauna Kakamegensis - The amphibians and reptiles of Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. Bonner zoologische Beiträge, 55(2): 123-150.

Contact person
Lötters, Stefan 
Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum A. Koenig 
Am Wissenschaftspark 25-27 
54296 Trier
Phone: +49 (0)651-201-4174
