Lichens - Numees

Lichen monitoring

View images of soil lichen monitoring and a list of taxa of the investigated hectare plots of the observatory:


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List of terricolous lichens


Name of lichen species
Acarospora sp. 01 
Buellia sp. 04 
Collema coccophorum Tuck. 
Collema texanum Degel. 
Diploschistes aeneus (Müll. Arg.) Lumbsch 
Diploschistes cf. thelenelloides Lumbsch & Aptroot 
Lempholemma sp. 01 
Peltula coriacea Büdel, Henssen & Wessels 
Peccania arabica (Müll. Arg.) Henssen 
10  Peccania fontequeriana Moreno & Egea 
11  Peccania subnigra (de Lesd.) Wetmore 
12  Placidium squamulosum (Ach.) Breuss 
13  Placidium tenellum (Breuss) Breuss 
14  Protoparmelia sp. 01 
15  Psora crenata (Taylor) Reinke 
16  Psora sp. 01 
17  Toninia lutosa (Ach.) Timdal 
18  Toninia aff. lutosa (Ach.) Timdal 


E-Mail to Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rambold
E-Mail to Dr. Luciana Zedda (contact person)