Weather data Soebatsfontein 
Daily averages up to this date available
Assigned weather station: Soebatsfontein
If you select a month and a year, you will obtain the daily averages for the complete month chosen.
If you select the month and enter 'all' for the year, you will obtain all daily averages of the chosen month for the recorded years.
If you select month '--' and a year, you will obtain all daily averages of the complete year chosen.
If you select month '--' and year 'all', you will obtain all available daily averages.
Any use the BIOTA weather data has to be acknowledged. The data should be cited as follows:
BIOTA Southern Africa, Weather data, station(s): <list of stations>, as at <date of downloading>, https://www.biota-africa.org
BIOTA Southern Africa, Weather data, station(s): Soebatsfontein, as at 9 Feb 2011, https://www.biota-africa.org
Despite intense quality control procedures we cannot fully guarantee correct data in each single case.
Free use of the weather data is granted for non-commercial and educational purposes.