Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.
BIOTA Southern Africa
Scientific Support for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Namibia and South Africa
Data are downloadable by first moving to the single Biodiversity Observatory (use interactive map or list of observatories) and then choosing the different data types at a menue on left hand side. |
General map in Google Earth
Head office of BIOTA Southern Africa Prof Dr Norbert Jürgens Biocentre Klein Flottbek and Botanical Garden University of Hamburg Ohnhorststr. 18 22609 Hamburg, Germany
cell phone: +49(0)1701666500 (Germany) cell phone: +27(0)79 0362424 (South Africa)
BIONaSC BIOTA Namibia Steering Committee
Mr Dave Joubert (Chair) Polytechnic of Namibia P/Bag 13388, Windhoek, Namibia Dr Joh Henschel (Co-Chair) Gobabeb Training & Research Centre P.O. Box 953, Walvis Bay, Namibia
SABSC South African BIOTA Steering Committee
Dr John Donaldson (Chair) Chief Director: Conservation Science Head: Kirstenbosch Research Centre South African National Biodiversity Institute P/Bag X7 Claremont (Cape Town) 7735, South Africa