Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.


BIOTA East Africa - Workpackage(s)

Overview   Table of Workpackages E16


E16 - Ant and termite communities along a habitat degradation gradient: patterns and consequences for ecosystem function


WP2: Diversity and abundance of ants and termites along a habitat degradation gradient

Project leader(s)

Prof. Dr. Roland Brandl
Dr. Manfred Kaib
Marcell Peters
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wägele

Project description

In this workpackage we want to analyze the response of ant and termite communities and functional groups to anthropogenic-driven habitat destruction and degradation. Ant and termites will be sampled along a land-use intensity gradient running from near-natural rainforest to high-intensity agricultural production systems. Beside morphological methods, DNA barcoding will be used to derive measures of α- and β-diversity along the gradient. In cooperation with other subprojects we want to find out if the diversity or presence of ants and termites can accurately predict the diversity of other taxa and thus can be used as bioindicators. Ants and termites may be among the most useful invertebrate indicators because they are easily sampled throughout the whole year, taxonomic literature is relatively good, monitoring does not have large effects on populations, and both groups are ecologically highly significant. Data of this project will be used to find thresholds of sustainable forest use and will be helpful to derive management decisions for the conservation of Kakamega Forest. By using similar sampling protocols as the ant and termite projects in BIOTA West and South, we will be able to compare data on a continental scale.


ants, barcoding, bioindicators, DNA signatures, habitat degradation, insects, land-use, termites

Contribution to
cross-cutting themes (CCT)

  • Monitoring and assessment of biodiversity in space and time (Theme1)
  • Understanding human use, value and impact in space and time (Theme3)
  • Recommendations and measures for sustainable use of biodiversity (Theme4)

Link to Subproject

E02  E03  E04  E05 E06 E07 E08 E10  E11