Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.

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Hydrological modelling Comoé

 Download PDF document        Last update: 2008-02-25   Done by: Dr. Dethardt Goetze     Copy dataset as template

Dataset metadata
DescriptionDigitization of the complete flowing water system in the entire area, definition of flow direction, of streams, of catchment areas, of watersheds, of adjoint catchment areas and of raindrop paths
Purpose Creation of a hydrological network of the southern Comoé National Park and the adjacent utilized area south of the park and assignment of stream properties to all sections of the watercourses
Main theme(s)
  1. Landscape
  2. Relief
  3. Water
  1. Flowing waters
  2. Geodiversity
  3. Landscape diversity
  4. Relief parameters
  5. Remote sensing
  6. Water runoff
Biome(s) South Sudanian savanna woodland
Country(ies) Ivory coast
Administration unit(s) Préfecture Nassian
Locality(ies) Comoé National Park
BIOTA Observatory(ies)
  1. Comoé 1
  2. Comoé 2
  3. Comoé 3
Period(s) 1995-1996
Sampling method(s) On-screen digitalization, application of Arc Hydro tools
Responsible person(s) Daniela Gurlin
Regional networks(s) BIOTA West Africa
Related subprojects / workpackages / topics CT3-WP4 Botanical collections in West Africa
Copyright holder Daniela Gurlin
Restrictions of dissemination (4) Data provider
Start time of protection January 2001
Duration of protection 10 years
Rationale / notes Ongoing utilization for further analyses and publications

Format ArcView
File name(s) / size(s) Numerous files in the folder "Hydrological modelling Comoe" / 214 MB (zip: 40 MB)
Software requirements ArcView, Arc Hydro
    Format Adobe Acrobat Reader
    File name(s) Diploma thesis D Gurlin.pdf, Diploma thesis D Gurlin appendix.pdf
    Status completed
    Related publications

Contact person
Goetze, Dr Dethardt 
Dep. of Botany, University of Rostock 
Wismarsche Strasse 8 
D-18051 Rostock
Phone: +49 381 498-6206 
Fax: +49 381 498-6202

Position: Project coordinator
