Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.

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Termites: Macrotermes bellicosus in West Africa, Benin

 Download PDF document        Last update: 2009-11-03   Done by: Stefanie Jacob     Copy dataset as template

Dataset metadata
DescriptionTermite (Macrotermes bellicosus) mound mapping data
Purpose analysis of population genetics & dynamics
Main theme(s)
  1. Conservation
  2. Sustainable use
Subtheme(s) termites, population genetics and dynamics
Biome(s) savanna
Country(ies) Benin
Administration unit(s)
BIOTA Observatory(ies) Pendjari National Park, Benin
Period(s) 2007-2009
Sampling method(s) Personal observations based on self-developed data sheets
Responsible person(s) Judith Korb; Stefanie Jacob
Regional networks(s) BIOTA West Africa
Related subprojects / workpackages / topics CT2 Topic 2 WP 4
Copyright holder Judith Korb
Restrictions of dissemination 4) Data provider
Start time of protection November 2009
Duration of protection 5 years
Rationale / notes Ongoing analyses for own publications

Format MS-Excel
File name(s) / size(s) moundmapping_m.bellicosus.xls
Software requirements
    Format MS-Excel
    File name(s) moundmapping_m.bellicosus.xls
    Status 1) complete
    Related publications in progress

Contact person
Korb, Prof. Dr. Judith 
University of Onsabrück, Behavioral Biology 
Barbarastraße 11 
D-49076 Osnabrück
Phone: +49(0)541-969-3496 
Fax: +49(0)541-969-2862

Position: Project leader
