Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.

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Bees of Kakamega Forest, Kenya, East Africa

 Download PDF document        Last update: 2009-11-09   Done by: Andre Koch     Copy dataset as template

Dataset metadata
DescriptionIn total, about 242 bee species are known from Kakamega Forest and the surrounding agricultural areas in Western Kenya. Some of the species still need to be confirmed. They belong to the families Apidae (~92), Halictidae (~76), Megachilidae (~72), Colletidae (~6). Before the BIOTA- investigations, only 24 bee species were known for the area. Thus, most of the species are new records for the area.
Purpose Summary of bee diversity of Kakamega Forest
Main theme(s) bees, checklist, species diversity, Kakamega Forest
Subtheme(s) biodiversity
Biome(s) tropical rainforest
Country(ies) Kenya
Administration unit(s) Kakamega Forest
Locality(ies) Kakamega Forest
BIOTA Observatory(ies)
Period(s) 2001-2009
Sampling method(s)
Responsible person(s) Mary Gikungu; Melanie Hagen
Regional networks(s) BIOTA East Africa
Related subprojects / workpackages / topics BIOTA Africa E10
Copyright holder Andre Koch; Mary Gikungu; Melanie Hagen
Restrictions of dissemination none
Start time of protection none
Duration of protection none
Rationale / notes

Format MS-Excel
File name(s) / size(s) Bees_of_Kakamega_MH.xls / 104 KB
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    Related publications Gikungu, M. W.: 2006. Bee Diversity and some Aspects of their Ecological Interactions with Plants in a Successional Tropical Community. PhD Thesis, University of Bonn, 193 pp.

Contact person
Hagen , Melanie  
University of Bielefeld 
PO Box 100131  
33501 Bielefeld
Phone: +49 (0)521 1062623