Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.
BIOTA West Africa - Workshop in Bobo-Dioulasso/ Nasso, Burkina Faso,
from 02 to 04 October 2006
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The international BIOTA West workshop “Capitalisation des données et perspectives pour une meilleure conservation de la biodiversité en Afrique de l’Ouest” (“Implementation of research data and perspectives for a better conservation of biodiversity in West Africa”) took place from the 2nd to the 4th of October in Bobo-Dioulasso/ Nasso, Burkina Faso. This was the fourth event of its kind: in 2002 the initial workshop was held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, followed by two workshops in Benin, namely Cotonou in 2004, and Natitingou in 2005. In line with the concept of BOTA West, these workshops highlight the very strong interdisciplinary and international character of research and exchange within the programme.
Approximately 75 participants, including various stakeholders, researchers and students from all four countries involved discussed about ongoing projects and perspectives for the third and final phase of BIOTA West from 2007-2010. On the first two days, 24 talks were given mainly by African PhD-students presenting the current progress of their work, thereby enforcing especially the axis of south-south cooperation between the African universities and graduate students. The very high standard in form and content of the individual presentations was widely acknowledged by the audience and regarded as one very positive outcome of the BIOTA capacity building. On the second day, the new project structure with its new core topics has been presented by the BIOTA West project leader, Prof. K. Eduard Linsenmair and some of the German project partners. The lively and detailed discussion about the topics revealed the importance and actuality of the research topics selected. Especially the active participation of new BIOTA co-operation partners for the foreseen activities in the third phase (e.g. cotton topic) and the direct discussion about needs and wishes of our stakeholders contributed to the success of this workshop.
In the evening lecture on the second day, the Ivorian PhD student Mme Noellie Yao of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) introduced her topic of remote sensing to the other African students. Her presentation was followed by an unforgettable talk of Prof. Laurent Aké Assi. His long and intense field experience once more proved to be exceptional - he fascinated the audience by his infinite knowledge about the West African flora and all the humorous anecdotes he was willing to share with the BIOTA West team.
On the third day, a field trip to the south-western part of Burkina Faso was organised. The different groups used this trip according to their research interests in the surroundings of Orodara and Banfora. In the late afternoon, the laboratories of Phytofla in Banfora were visited. The director presented his pharmaceutic manufactory, where, with locally adapted methods, effective medicaments are produced and essential oils extracted exclusively from native medicinal plants. Phytofla proves to be an excellent example for a prosperous synergism of science, traditional knowledge and economic success.
The workshop was organised by the Universities of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulassou, namely the BIOTA West co-ordinator in Burkina Faso, Prof. Adjima Thiombiano (University of Ouagadougou) and his team, Prof. Sita Guinko (University of Ouagadougou) and Prof. Chantal Zoungrana (University of Bobo-Dioulasso).
- (Almost) The whole team!
- Prof. Dr. Sita Guinko, University of Ouagadougou, was interviewed by Radio Télévision Burkina at the beginning of the workshop.
- Our West African counterparts and co-ordinators. From left to right: Prof. Dr. Adjima Thiombiano (University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), Dr. Souleymane Konaté (Univerity Abobo Adjamé, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire), Prof. Dr. Brice Sinsin (University Abomey Calavi, Cotonou, Benin).
- The presentations of the workshop have been given in the lecture hall of the University of Bobo-Dioulassou.
- Discussions were lively and productive –within the BIOTA groupas well as among BIOTA members and external stakeholders.
- Dr. Tobias Landmann from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) presented new approaches for remote sensing analyses within BIOTA West.
- Annick Koulibaly from the University of Cocody, Côte d’Ivoire, presented her latest results from the Lamto Reserve.
- Prof. Dr. K. Eduard Linsenmair, co-ordinator of BIOTA West, introduced aims and concepts of the third BIOTA West Phase.
- Prof. Dr. Adjima Thiombiano, counterpart and local co-ordinator of BIOTA West in Burkina Faso, was one of the main organizers of the workshop. The whole team appreciated his great commitment.