Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.
BIOTA AFRICA at COP-9 side event
(28 May 2008, 13:15 - 14:45, Saal Bonn, Maritim)
The other perspective: Visions of African stakeholders on biodiversity conservation and sustainable development
During the BIOTA AFRICA side event, six African stakeholders (land users and decision makers) from four African countries presented and discussed their experiences on joint research and implementation of sustainable use and conservation practices of biodiversity within the African-German BIOTA AFRICA Project. About 120 attendees of the COP-9 listened to the presentations and participated in the discussion. Each attendee received a DVD with a copy of the BIOTA AFRICA film “Biodiversity is our life” (more).
At the beginning of the side event, Prof. Brice Sinsin, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research at Universitiy of Abomey-Calavi, Benin, gave a short introduction to BIOTA AFRICA. Subsequently, the six stakeholders gave their brief statements on their visions on biodiversity.
The first presentation was by the BIOTA para-ecologists Mr Robert S. Mukuya from Rundu in northern Namibia and Ms Marianna Lot from Kamiesberg in the Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, South Africa, on the perspective of small-scale farmers and BIOTA para-ecologists on biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. This presentation was followed by a talk by Mr Wilberforce Okeka, founder of the Kakamega and Environmental Education Programme (KEEP), Kakamega forest, Kenya, on the importance of BIOTA capacity building for local stakeholders in Kenya for the NGO KEEP. Mr Gnanando Saidou, stock farmer, land user and co-founder of the 'Botanical Garden of Papatia' at the village Papatia in northern Benin presented the new grass-root initiative for botanical gardens for the conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants in West Africa. Mr Djafarou Ali Tiomoko, Director of the Pendjari National Park in northern Benin, talked about the importance of the protected areas in West Africa and the role of academic research and training of para-ecologists for the planning and management of conservation areas. The last presentation was given by Dr. Beatrice Khayota, Head of Department of the Centre of Biodiversity at the National Museums of Kenya in Nairobi. Dr Khayota talked about the importance of biodiversity assessment in African countries.
The side event was facilitated by Prof Michael Kirk, University of Marburg, Germany (BIOTA AFRICA).
Webcast of the side event (Video)
Video "Biodiversity is our Life"
The African stakeholders on the podium during the side event.
Prof Brice Sinsin from Benin giving a short introduction into BIOTA AFRICA.
Mr Robert Mukuya, BIOTA para-ecologist from northern Namibia.
"Biodiversity is our Life". From the slides of the stakeholder presentations.
Mr Wilberforce Okeka from the NGO KEEP in Kakamega Forest, Kenya.
Mr Djafarou Ali Tiomoko, Director of the Pendjari National Park, Benin, answering questions from the auditory.
Group photo of presenters at the side event. From left to right: Gnanando Saidou, Michael Kirk, Djafarou Ali Tiomoko, Robert Mukuya, Marianna Lot, Brice Sinsin, Ute Schmiedel, Wilberforce Okeka, Beatrice Khayota.
A glance at the auditorium at the BIOTA side event.
Fotos: BIOTA AFRICA/Tene Kwetche |