Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.



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Workpackages of Subproject E01

Workpackage WP01.1

Analysis of the changes to biodiversity and ecosystem function along gradients of degradation

Short description: The efforts of phase one are continued, particularly with respect to monitoring activities and capacity building, as they provide all the long-time baseline data necessary for valuation of ecosystem processes over time, i.e. forest regeneration and chances for survival, which are poorly understood so far. A sufficient background knowledge at this ecosystematic level is essential to avoid unfounded conclusions and unsuitable consequences.

Workpackage WP01.2

Analysis of the changes to economic use of forests and their replacement systems along these gradients

Short description: It is assumed that the system is characterised by a gradient-specific degree of economic use of biodiversity. This information is important in order to explore the concept of an economically sustainable long-term utilisation. Socio-economic studies assess the benefits and cost of maintaining and utilising forest biodiversity as well as for sustainable landscape management.

Workpackage WP01.3

Identification of an optimum relation between high biodiversity and ecosystem functionality and economic profit from forest use - point of sustainability

Short description: This aim links biodiversity research with socio-economic investigations. It is assumed that the outcome of both research activities will provide a figure of different gradient-dependent levels of interference. Given sufficient data, it should be possible to determine the optimum point of maintaining a maximum of biodiversity function and contemporary economic utilisation.

Workpackage WP01.4

Interventions for a sustainable use of biodiversity and biodiversity management

Short description: The fourth aim represents the necessary consequence of our research, giving the required input to local, national and international biodiversity management. Research work will be accompanied by several joint activities involving local authorities, forest managers and policy makers with respect to further education and training, leading to the required capacity and knowledge to manage sustainable use of biodiversity and the equitable distribution of the resulting benefit.