Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.


Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled to the Cape of Good Hope to visit the German-African BIOTA AFRICA project. The joint project focuses on biodiversity, climate change and sustainable development in Africa.

  1. ARD Tagesthemen vom 6. Oktober 2007, 22:00 Uhr: Bundeskanzlerin Merkel besucht deutsch-afrikanisches Umweltprojekt BIOTA AFRICA am Kap der Guten Hoffnung (Video)

  2. BoaNews_Online,South Africa, 7 Oct 2007: Merkel expresses concern over climate change

  3. FOCUS online

  4. Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

  5. Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung/The Press and informationoffice of the German Federal Government

  6. Press Release of the PT-DLR, project management agency of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (PDF)

  7. Pressestelle Universität Hamburg

  8. REGIERUNGonline (PDF)

  9. sueddeutsche

  10. ZDF heute-Sendung vom 6. Oktober 2007, 19:00 Uhr: Bundeskanzlerin Merkel besucht BIOTA Projekt nahe Kapstadt (Video)

  11. ZDF.umwelt vom 14. Oktober 2007: BIOTA - Erforschung des Klimawandels (Video)

Foto: REGIERUNGonline/Bergmann  

Foto: BIOTA AFRICA/Rudolph