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Last name |
Title, First name |
Institute |
Country |
E-mail |
1 |
Austermühle |
Ms Renate |
National Botanical Institute |
Namibia |
otjihundu@mweb.com.na |
2 |
Bausch |
Ms. Jennifer |
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU) |
Germany |
jennybausch@googlemail.com |
3 |
Berger |
Dr. Klaus |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
k.berger@ifb.uni-hamburg.de |
4 |
Blaum |
Dr. Niels |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
blaum@uni-potsdam.de |
5 |
Boonzaier |
Ms. Carmen |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
6 |
Bösing |
Ms. Britta M. |
Christian-Albrechts University Kiel |
Germany |
boesing@aninut.uni-kiel.de |
7 |
Brandl |
Prof. Dr. Roland |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
brandlr@staff.uni-marburg.de |
8 |
Braune |
Dr. Erik |
Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage Westermann Schroedel Diesterweg Schöningh Winklers GmbH |
Germany |
erik.braune@googlemail.com |
9 |
Büdel |
Prof. Dr. Burkhard |
University of Kaiserslautern |
Germany |
buedel@rhrk.uni-kl.de |
10 |
Christiaan |
Mr. Reginald A. |
n.a. |
South Africa |
Reginald.Christiaan@gmx.net |
11 |
Classen |
Mr. Nikolaus |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
n.classen@ifb.uni-hamburg.de |
12 |
Colditz |
Dr. Rene R. |
National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO) |
Mexico |
rene.colditz@conabio.gob.mx |
13 |
Cupido |
Mr. Clement |
Animal Production Institute |
South Africa |
ccupido@uwc.ac.za |
14 |
Damm |
Dr. Sandra |
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover |
Germany |
sandra.giere@ecolevol.de |
15 |
Darienko |
Dr. Tatyana |
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
Ukraine |
darienko@ukr.net |
16 |
Deckert |
Dr. Jürgen |
Humboldt University Berlin |
Germany |
juergen.deckert@mfn-berlin.de |
17 |
Dengler |
Dr. Jürgen |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
dengler@botanik.uni-hamburg.de |
18 |
Deutschewitz |
Ms. Kirstin |
University of Kaiserslautern |
Germany |
kdtwitz@web.de |
19 |
Dojani |
Ms. Stephanie |
University of Kaiserslautern |
Germany |
dojani@rhrk.uni-kl.de |
20 |
Domptail |
Ms. Stephanie |
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU) |
Germany |
stephanie.domptail@agrar.uni-giessen.de |
21 |
Dorendorf |
Mr. Jens |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
jensdpunkt@web.de |
22 |
Dorigo |
Dr. Wouter |
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) |
Austria |
wd@ipf.tuwien.ac.at |
23 |
Dreber |
Mr. Niels |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
n.dreber@gmx.de |
24 |
Erb |
Ms. Elke |
Camel Farm |
Namibia |
erbelke@mweb.com.na |
25 |
Eschenbach |
Prof. Dr. Annette |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
A.Eschenbach@ifb.uni-hamburg.de |
26 |
Esler |
Prof. Karen J. |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
kje@sun.ac.za |
27 |
Etzold |
Dr. Sophia |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
sophia.etzold@ipw.agrl.ethz.ch |
28 |
Falk |
Dr. Thomas |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
thomas.falk@staff.uni-marburg.de |
29 |
Fendler |
Mr. Jens |
Polytechnic of Namibia |
Namibia |
jfendler@polytechnic.edu.na |
30 |
Finckh |
Dr. Manfred |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
mfinckh@botanik.uni-hamburg.de |
31 |
Fox |
Mr. Tobias |
Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences |
Germany |
tsj.fox@gmail.com |
32 |
Frank |
Ms. Anne |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
Frankan@students.uni-marburg.de |
33 |
Friedl |
Prof. Dr. Thomas |
University of Goettingen |
Germany |
tfriedl@uni-goettingen.de |
34 |
Geldenhuys |
Mr. Conrad |
Northern Cape Department of Environment and Nature Conservation |
South Africa |
conradg.g@mweb.co.za |
35 |
Gessner |
Ms. Ursula |
University of Würzburg |
Germany |
ursula.gessner@uni-wuerzburg.de |
36 |
Gibreel |
Dr. Tarig |
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU) |
Germany |
tarig.gibreel@gmail.com |
37 |
Gießelmann |
Mr. Urs Christian |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
giesselu@staff.uni-marburg.de |
38 |
Graiff |
Ms. Angelika |
University of Würzburg |
Germany |
angelikagraiff@gmx.de |
39 |
Grant |
Mr. Paul |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
pbcgrant@sun.ac.za |
40 |
Grohmann |
Ms. Constanze |
University of Würzburg |
Germany |
grohmann@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de |
41 |
Gröngröft |
Dr. Alexander |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
a.groengroeft@ifb.uni-hamburg.de |
42 |
Grotehusmann |
Ms. Lisa |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
lisiki@gmx.de |
43 |
Gruber |
Mr. Martin |
Ethnofilm |
Germany |
martin.gruber@ethnofilm.de |
44 |
Haarmeyer |
Ms. Daniela H. |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
daniela.haarmeyer@yahoo.de |
45 |
Hadrys |
Dr. Heike |
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover |
Germany |
heike.hadrys@ecolevol.de |
46 |
Haensler |
Mr. Andreas |
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology |
Germany |
andreas.haensler@zmaw.de |
47 |
Hagemann |
Dr. Stefan |
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology |
Germany |
stefan.hagemann@zmaw.de |
48 |
Hanke |
Ms. Wiebke |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
w.hanke@biota-africa.org |
49 |
Hecht |
Ms. Judith |
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) |
Switzerland |
judith.hecht@fibl.org |
50 |
Heelemann |
Mr. Steffen |
University of Regensburg |
Germany |
steffen.heelemann@biologie.uni-regensburg.de |
51 |
Heil |
Ms. Nora |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
noraheil@hotmail.com |
52 |
Henstock |
Ms. Ronel |
University of Pretoria |
South Africa |
mulder@henstock.net |
53 |
Hillmann |
Mr. Thomas |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
thomas.hillmann@botanik.uni-hamburg.de |
54 |
Hinz |
Prof. Dr. Manfred |
University of Namibia |
Namibia |
okavango@mweb.com.na |
55 |
Hoffman |
Prof. Dr. M. Timm |
University of Cape Town |
South Africa |
Timm.Hoffman@uct.ac.za |
56 |
Hoffmann |
Dr. Anke |
Humboldt University Berlin |
Germany |
anke-hoffmann@gmx.net |
57 |
Hoffmann |
Mr. John |
n.a. |
Germany |
erioloba@web.de |
58 |
Horn |
Dr. Anne |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
ahorn@sun.ac.za |
59 |
Hoyer |
Mr. Patrick |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
pathoy@gmx.de |
60 |
Hurek |
Dr. Thomas |
University of Bremen |
Germany |
Thurek@uni-bremen.de |
61 |
Husted |
Ms. Lara B. |
South African National Biodiversity Institute |
South Africa |
larahusted@gmail.com |
62 |
Hüttich |
Mr. Christian |
University of Würzburg |
Germany |
christian.huettich@uni-wuerzburg.de |
63 |
Isaacks |
Mr. Richard S. |
n.a. |
Namibia |
email@notavailable.de |
64 |
Jacob |
Prof. Dr. Daniela |
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology |
Germany |
daniela.jacob@zmaw.de |
65 |
Jeltsch |
Prof. Dr. Florian |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
jeltsch@uni-potsdam.de |
66 |
Joubert |
Mr. David |
Polytechnic of Namibia |
Namibia |
djoubert@polytechnic.edu.na |
67 |
Jürgens |
Prof. Dr. Norbert |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
juergens@botanik.uni-hamburg.de |
68 |
Kambuli |
Mr. Reinhold |
Polytechnic of Namibia |
Namibia |
rkambuli@yahoo.co.uk |
69 |
Kamukuenjandje |
Mr. Richard Terence |
Polytechnic of Namibia |
Namibia |
rkamukuenjandje@polytechnic.edu.na |
70 |
Kangombe |
Ms. Fransiska |
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry |
Namibia |
fransiska@nbri.org.na |
71 |
Kanzler |
Sven-Eric |
72 |
Kauatjirue |
Mr. Justus |
Polytechnic of Namibia |
Namibia |
s200547062@students.polytechnic.edu.na |
73 |
Keil |
Mr. Manfred |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) |
Germany |
manfred.keil@dlr.de |
74 |
Kellerman |
Ms. Lizande |
University of Pretoria |
South Africa |
lizande.kellerman@gmail.com |
75 |
Kipping |
Mr. Jens |
Natural Museum "Mauritianum" Altenburg |
Germany |
kipping@mauritianum.de |
76 |
Kirk |
Prof. Dr. Michael |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
kirk@wiwi.uni-marburg.de |
77 |
Koch |
Dr. Frank |
Humboldt University Berlin |
Germany |
frank.koch@mfn-berlin.de |
78 |
Koelle |
Ms. Bettina |
Indigo development & change |
South Africa |
bettina@indigo-dc.org |
79 |
Kohrs |
Ms. Bertchen |
n.a. |
Namibia |
bertchenk@iway.na |
80 |
Kongor |
Dr. Raphael Y. |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
rykongor@gmail.com |
81 |
Koop |
Ms. Linnéa |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
linnea_koop@gmx.de |
82 |
Kos |
Dr. Martijn |
University of Regensburg |
Germany |
martijn.kos@biologie.uni-regensburg.de |
83 |
Kotze |
Ms. Donna |
Indigo development & change |
South Africa |
donna@indigo-dc.org |
84 |
Krug |
Dr. Cornelia B. |
Université Paris-Sud 11 |
France |
cornelia.krug@u-psud.fr |
85 |
Kruger |
Mr. Bertus |
Agricultural Bank of Namibia |
Namibia |
albertus.kruger@gtz.de |
86 |
Kunz |
Ms. Natalie |
University of Kaiserslautern |
Germany |
Kunz-Natalie@web.de |
87 |
Küppers |
Prof. Dr. Manfred |
University Hohenheim |
Germany |
kuppers@uni-hohenheim.de |
88 |
Labitzky |
Mr. Timo |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
timo.labitzky@uni-hamburg.de |
89 |
Lang |
Prof. Dr. Hartmut |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
Hartmut.Lang@uni-hamburg.de |
90 |
Lebershausen |
Ms. Lisa |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
lisalebershausen@web.de |
91 |
Lieckfeld |
Ms. Lena |
University of Hamburg |
South Africa |
LenaLieckfeld@gmx.de |
92 |
Limpricht |
Dr. Cornelia |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
Limpricht@web.de |
93 |
Linke |
Ms. Theresa |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
theresa.linke@uni-hamburg.de |
94 |
Linsenmair |
Prof. Dr. K. Eduard |
University of Würzburg |
Germany |
ke_lins@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de |
95 |
Lohmann |
Mr. Dirk |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
dirklohmann@gmx.net |
96 |
Loris |
Dr. Kurt |
University Hohenheim |
Germany |
kloris@debitel.net |
97 |
Lot |
Ms. Marianna Johanna |
n.a. |
South Africa |
98 |
Lück-Vogel |
Dr. Melanie |
CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research |
South Africa |
mluckvogel@csir.co.za |
99 |
Luther-Mosebach |
Mr. Jona |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
jonalm07@googlemail.com |
100 |
Lutsch |
Dr. Nicole |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
n.lutsch@web.de |
101 |
Mager |
Dr. Denise |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
dmager@sun.ac.za |
102 |
Mapaure |
Mr. Clever |
University of Namibia |
Namibia |
mapaurec@live.com |
103 |
Maphangwa |
Mr. Khumbudzo Walter |
South African National Biodiversity Institute |
South Africa |
k.maphangwa@sanbi.org.za |
104 |
Marais |
Mr. Eugène |
National Museum of Namibia |
Namibia |
marais.eugene@gmail.com |
105 |
Martens |
Prof. Dr. Andreas |
University of Education Karlsruhe |
Germany |
martens@ph-karlsruhe.de |
106 |
Mayer |
Dr. Carolin |
Université Catholique de Louvain |
Belgium |
carolin.mayer@uclouvain.be |
107 |
Medinski |
Ms. Tanya |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
medinski@sun.ac.za |
108 |
Mey |
Dr. Wolfram |
Humboldt University Berlin |
Germany |
wolfram.mey@mfn-berlin.de |
109 |
Meyer |
Ms. Sarah |
Karslruher Institute of Technology |
Germany |
Meyersarah@web.de |
110 |
Meyer |
Dr. Jork |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
jorkmeyer@hotmail.com |
111 |
Meyfarth |
Ms. Susanne |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
meyfarth@uni-potsdam.de |
112 |
Miehlich |
Prof. Dr. Günter |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
g.miehlich@gmx.de |
113 |
Mills |
Dr. Anthony |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
mills@sun.ac.za |
114 |
Mohr |
Dr. Kathrin I. |
University of Goettingen |
Morocco |
kmo09@helmholtz-hzi.de |
115 |
Mtuleni |
Mr. Vilho Snake |
BIOTA Namibia |
Namibia |
vilho.mtuleni@drfn.org.na |
116 |
Muche |
Dr. Gerhard |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
gerhard.muche@uni-hamburg.de |
117 |
Mukuya |
Mr. Robert Silarius |
n.a. |
Namibia |
rmukuya2005@yahoo.com |
118 |
Müller |
Ms. Jutta |
University Hohenheim |
Germany |
Jutta.S.Mueller@googlemail.com |
119 |
Musil |
Prof. Dr. Charles |
South African National Biodiversity Institute |
South Africa |
c.musil@sanbi.org.za |
120 |
Namwoonde |
Ms. Ndateelela Emilia |
University of Namibia |
Namibia |
kaanasha@live.com |
121 |
Naumann |
Ms. Christiane |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
christiane.naumann@gmx.de |
122 |
Neu |
Ms. Daniela |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
daniela.neu@gmx.net |
123 |
Nottebrock |
Mr. Henning |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
henning@nottebrock.net |
124 |
Nuppenau |
Prof. Dr. Ernst-August |
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU) |
Germany |
Ernst-Auagust.Nuppenau@agrar.uni-giessen.de |
125 |
Nyaga |
Mr. Justine Muhoro |
University of Cape Town |
South Africa |
nyagajm@gmail.com |
126 |
Oettle |
Mr. Noel |
Environmental Monitoring Group |
South Africa |
dryland@global.co.za |
127 |
Oldeland |
Mr. Jens |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
oldeland@botanik.uni-hamburg.de |
128 |
Olehowski |
Mr. Claas |
Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg |
Germany |
olehowski@ph-heidelberg.de |
129 |
Oliver |
Tessa |
130 |
Overmann |
Prof. Dr. Jörg |
Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen (DSMZ) |
Germany |
joerg.overmann@dsmz.de |
131 |
Pellowski |
Ms. Magdalena |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
magda_pellowski@web.de |
132 |
Peters |
Mr. Jan |
University of Greifswald |
Germany |
janpeters-ol@web.de |
133 |
Petersen |
Dr. Andreas |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
a.petersen@ifb.uni-hamburg.de |
134 |
Pfiz |
Dr. Michael |
University Hohenheim |
Germany |
pfiz@uni-hohenheim.de |
135 |
Pieters |
Mr. Wynand |
CapeNature |
South Africa |
wynand.f.pieters@gmail.com |
136 |
Popp |
Dr. Alexander |
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) |
Germany |
popp@pik-potsdam.de |
137 |
Poschlod |
Prof. Dr. Peter |
University of Regensburg |
Germany |
peter.poschlod@biologie.uni-regensburg.de |
138 |
Powrie |
Mr. Leslie W. |
South African National Biodiversity Institute |
South Africa |
l.powrie@sanbi.org.za |
139 |
Prediger |
Mr. Sebastian |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
sebastianprediger@gmx.de |
140 |
Pringle |
Dr. Hugh |
Ecosystem Management Understanding (EMU) Project |
Australia |
hpringle@clma.com.au |
141 |
Pröpper |
Dr. Michael |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
michael.proepper@uni-hamburg.de |
142 |
Raitt |
Prof. Dr. Lincoln |
University of the Western Cape |
South Africa |
lraitt@uwc.ac.za |
143 |
Rambold |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard |
University of Bayreuth |
Germany |
gerhard.rambold@uni-bayreuth.de |
144 |
Reinhold-Hurek |
Prof. Dr. Barbara |
University of Bremen |
Germany |
breinhold@uni-bremen.de |
145 |
Reisch |
Mr. Christoph |
University of Regensburg |
Germany |
146 |
Richter |
Prof. Dr. Otto |
Technische Universität Braunschweig |
Germany |
o.richter@TU-BS.de |
147 |
Rohde |
Dr. Rick |
University of Edinburgh |
United Kingdom |
rick.rohde@ed.ac.uk |
148 |
Rösner |
Mr. Sascha |
Philipps University Marburg |
Germany |
mail@sascharosner.de |
149 |
Rossmanith |
Dr. Eva |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
rossmani@uni-potsdam.de |
150 |
Röwer |
Ms. Inga Ute |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
inga.roewer@uni-hamburg.de |
151 |
Rubilar Rosales |
Mr. Hugo |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
hugo_rubilar@gmx.net |
152 |
Ruppel |
Dr. Oliver C. |
University of Namibia |
Namibia |
ruppel@mweb.com.na |
153 |
Rutherford |
Dr. Michael C. |
South African National Biodiversity Institute |
South Africa |
m.rutherford@sanbi.org.za |
154 |
Ruwanza |
Mr. Sheunesu |
South African National Biodiversity Institute and Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
S.ruwanza@sanbi.org.za |
155 |
Samways |
Prof. Michael |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
samways@sun.ac.za |
156 |
Sarmento Cabral |
Dr. Juliano |
University of Goettingen |
Germany |
jscabral@gmx.de |
157 |
Schmiedel |
Dr. Ute |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
uschmiedel@botanik.uni-hamburg.de |
158 |
Schneiderat |
Ms. Ute |
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU) |
Germany |
ute.schneiderat@web.de |
159 |
Schultz |
Dr. Matthias |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
schultzm@botanic.uni-hamburg.de |
160 |
Schurr |
Dr. Frank M. |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
frank.schurr@uni-potsdam.de |
161 |
Schütze |
Ms. Sharon |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
sharon.schuetze@gmail.com |
162 |
Schwager |
Dr. Monika |
University of Mainz |
Germany |
monika.schwager@uni-mainz.de |
163 |
September |
Ms Zuna M. |
National Botanical Institute |
Namibia |
bens@nbri.org.na |
164 |
Seymour |
Dr. Colleen |
South African National Biodiversity Institute |
South Africa |
c.seymour@sanbi.org.za |
165 |
Shamathe |
Mr. Kuniberth |
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry |
Namibia |
kshamathe@yahoo.com |
166 |
Simaika |
Mr. John |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
simaikaj@gmail.com |
167 |
Simmons |
Dr. Robert |
University of Cape Town |
South Africa |
Rob.Simmons@uct.ac.za |
168 |
Smit |
Prof. Nico |
University of the Free State |
South Africa |
smitgn@ufs.ac.za |
169 |
Söndgerath |
Dr. Dagmar |
Technische Universität Braunschweig |
Germany |
d.soendgerath@tu-bs.de |
170 |
Sop |
Mr. Tene Kwetche |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
tenesop@googlemail.com |
171 |
Steinhäuser |
Ms. Jutta |
Universität Potsdam |
Germany |
172 |
Strohbach |
Ms. Marianne |
University of Pretoria |
South Africa |
marstr@tuks.co.za |
173 |
Strohbach |
Mr. Ben J. |
National Botanical Research Institute |
Namibia |
bens@nbri.org.na |
174 |
Suhling |
Dr. Frank |
Technische Universität Braunschweig |
Germany |
f.suhling@tu-bs.de |
175 |
Suwald |
Mr. Andrzej |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
andrzej.suwald@botanik.uni-hamburg.de |
176 |
Swartbooi |
Ms. Jeanette |
Gobabeb Training & Research Centre |
Namibia |
swartbooij@gmail.com |
177 |
Swartbooi |
Mr. Sebedeus |
Gobabeb Training & Research Centre |
Namibia |
swartboois@gmail.com |
178 |
Tews |
Dr. Joerg |
Noreca Consulting Inc |
Germany |
joerg.tews@gmail.com |
179 |
Tietjen |
Dr. Britta |
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) |
Germany |
tietjen@pik-potsdam.de |
180 |
van der Merwe |
Dr. Helga |
University of Pretoria |
South Africa |
soekop@hantam.co.za |
181 |
van Rooyen |
Prof. Dr. M. W. Gretel |
University of Pretoria |
South Africa |
gretel.vanrooyen@up.ac.za |
182 |
Vohland |
Dr. Katrin |
Humboldt University Berlin |
Germany |
katrin.vohland@mfn-berlin.de |
183 |
Vollan |
Dr. Björn |
University of Mannheim |
Germany |
bjoern.vollan@googlemail.com |
184 |
Vrdoljak |
Mr. Sven |
Stellenbosch University |
South Africa |
sven@sun.ac.za |
185 |
Wasiolka |
Dr. Bernd |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
wasiolka@uni-potsdam.de |
186 |
Weber |
Dr. Bettina |
University of Kaiserslautern |
Germany |
weberb@rhrk.uni-kl.de |
187 |
Weber |
Ms. Janne |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
janne.weber@gmx.de |
188 |
Wesuls |
Mr. Dirk |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
dirk.wesuls@botanik.uni-hamburg.de |
189 |
Wichmann |
Dr. Matthias |
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology |
United Kingdom |
mwich@ceh.ac.uk |
190 |
Wieczorek |
Ms. Mareike |
University of Potsdam |
Germany |
mareike.wieczorek@yahoo.de |
191 |
Wiegand |
Dr. Thorsten |
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ |
Germany |
thorsten.wiegand@ufz.de |
192 |
Willer |
Mr. Jan |
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources |
Germany |
Jan.Willer@arcor.de |
193 |
Winschiers-Theophilus |
Dr. Heike |
Polytechnic of Namibia |
Namibia |
heikew@polytechnic.edu.na |
194 |
Wirth |
Prof. Dr. Volkmar |
Staatl. Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe |
United Kingdom |
volkmar.wirth@online.de |
195 |
Wisch |
Ms. Ulrike |
University of Hamburg |
Germany |
u.wisch@ifb.uni-hamburg.de |
196 |
Zedda |
Dr. Luciana |
University of Bayreuth |
Germany |
luciana.zedda@gmx.de |
197 |
Zeller |
Prof. Dr. Ulrich |
Humboldt University Berlin |
Germany |
ulrich.zeller@mfn-berlin.de |
198 |
Zimmermann |
Dr. Ibo |
Polytechnic of Namibia |
Namibia |
izimmermann@polytechnic.edu.na |
199 |
Zimmermann |
Dr. Julia |
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ |
Germany |
jula.zimmermann@ufz.de |