Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.
BIOTA AFRICA Data Sharing Protocol

BIOTA AFRICA Data Sharing Protocol It is a major aim of BIOTA AFRICA to make data, which are obtained and analysed by the different disciplines, available to other subprojects as well as to other researchers, organisations, and institutions world wide that have a bona fide interest in the information. The accessibility of data is an important requirement for fruitful co-operation and to ensure the effective use of data processed by BIOTA AFRICA. more
 Download as PDF-file (English version)

Database software for storage, administration and analysis of ecological data.
The vegetation database software BIOTABase has been developed to cope with the structured storage of vegetation monitoring data and related environmental data. The database architecture facilitates specific environmental monitoring requirements like the handling of time series, nested plots, and individual-based monitoring plots.
BIOTABase is freeware and runs on Windows (Windows2000 or higher). It can be used to build up data sets for individual purposes - regardless of whether the method used is exactly the same standard of BIOTA AFRICA standard - or to get access to the vegetation datasets of BIOTA AFRICA.
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Database software for storage, administration and analysis of plant collection data.
The database software BIOTACollections has been developed to cope with the storage of plant collection and observation data with only core information about the samples, like species name, locality co-ordinates, collection date, collector and data source. Although it would be useful to have more details about location and environment, several data sources provide only core information. This data is still useful for occurrence and distribution of species.
BIOTACollections is freeware and runs on Windows (Windows2000 and higher). It can be used to digitise field books or to merge several data sources into one flat data structure for analyses purposes. It can be regarded as a lean version of BIOTABase.
Download section
Press material
Brochure "Biodiversity in Africa: The other perspective"
The brochure was compiled on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and summarises the outcomes of a BIOTA AFRICA stakeholder dialogue at the CBD COP9 in May 2008 in Bonn, Germany.
Download (2.4 MB)

BIOTA AFRICA gallery of photographs
Photographs for non-commercial use
In the gallery of photographs, BIOTA AFRICA provides images of biodiversity research for non-commercial purposes free of charge for everyone.
Download section

Each flyer informs the reader about aims, challenges, methods, and findings of the regional research areas of BIOTA AFRICA. |

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The official logo of the BIOTA AFRICA initiative may here be downloaded for use in presentations or publications. |