Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.


BIOTA Southern Africa BIOTA Southern Africa - Links

Related Projects Namibia SADC & Africa Environment & Development

Related Projects

South African National Biodiversity Institute

South African Environmental Observation Network

Environmental Long-Term Observatories of southern Africa

Arid Zone Ecology Forum

Desert Research Foundation of Namibia

Gobabeb Training and Research Centre

TUCSIN - The University Centre for Studies in Namibia

German Network for Research to Combat Desertification:


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In Namibia, a great number of partners work in the environmental and development fields. Not all important partners maintain active websites; however were web links exist they are listed below. This indicative – please let us know if you find other important links to be included.

Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET)

The line ministry responsible for environmental management and conservation MET’s webpage provides an important gateway to environmental information in Namibia.

Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN)

A non-governmental research, training and environmental management institute, DRFN works actively in the implementation of environment related projects. Derived from background and expertise of the Desert Ecological Research Unit, which was founded already in the 1960’ties, DRFN is a well established Namibian capacity, also working internationally.

Geological Survey of Namibia

As institute within the Ministry of Mines and Energies, the Geological Survey is mainly carrying out research work in support of the Ministry and of related industries.

National Museum of Namibia

An institution of the Ministry of Basic Education Sport & Culture, the National Museum not only maintains important exhibits, but houses the national collections for many animal taxa, with curators for mammals, insects, and other.

Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU)

A non-governmental research institute focusing on economic, social and policy related work.

Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF)

Initially much focused on financial services and management for the environmental sector in Namibia, the NNF has now established a broad project implementation portfolio, focusing on promoting Community-based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) approaches.

Namibia’s Biodiversity Website

An inventory of Namibia’s biodiversity records

Polytechnic of Namibia

The “Poly” is one of the key tertiary education institutes of Namibia, part of the Ministry of Higher Education, Training & Employment Creation. The Department of Natural Resources Management offers a range of environment focused courses.

University of Namibia (UNAM)

Unam is another major Namibian tertiary education institute, with amongst other, faculties of Science, Humanities & Social Sciences, Agriculture & Natural Resources, and a multi-disciplinary research center.

National Botanical Research Institute Namibia

The mission is to promote the understanding, conservation and sustainable use of Namibian plants for the benefit of all.


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There are a great number of exciting and innovative environment & development related projects, initiatives and institutions in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region and throughout Africa. With this “indicative” page we hope to give you a range and flavour for what is going on out there! Excuse the slight southern & eastern African bias.

African Farm Diversity Project

Featuring especially agro-biodiversity conservation projects in East and Southern Africa. The website is supported by the former Agrobiodiversity projects of te German Agency for technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the Darwin Initiative.

African Wildlife Foundation (AFW)

For more than 40 years AWF has focused on conservation work in Africa. Currently they maintain a diverse programme portfolio including on conservation education and capacity building, critical species research and conservation, amongst many other.

Every River has its people project

This transboundary project aims to promote sustainable management of natural resources in the Okavango River Basin, particularly related to water resources.


The IUCN-Regional Office for Southern Africa situated in Zimbabwe is implementing a large portfolio of projects and sees to SADC wide coordination of activities. A number of very active sub-projects are featured on the page, as well as important links to the mother institution based in Gland, Switzerland.


The Southern African Botanical Diversity Network (SABONET) is a capacity-building network of southern African herbaria and botanic gardens with the objective of developing local botanical expertise.

SADC Regional Environmental Education Programme

The SADC-REEP webpage includes an Environmental Education (EE) information gateway.


The Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessments (SAIEA) was founded in 2001 as a sub-regional institute for assessment and assessment training. Its initial focus has been on Environmental Impacts Assessments (EIAs), however has broadened its portfolio to include environmental assessments per se. It has its head quarters in Windhoek, Namibia.


Established in 1996 on request of San communities in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe, the Working Group of Indigenous Minorities of Southern Africa (WIMSA), aims to provide a platform for their communities to express their problems, needs and concerns. WIMSA is a NGO.


The WWF-Southern Africa Regional Office is based in Harare, Zimbabwe. Transboundary projects, conservation and natural resources management programmes throughout the region are being implemented.

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Zambezi Society

The Zambezi Society is dedicated to conservation and integrated natural resources management in the Zambezi River Basin.


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Environment & Development

On a global scale an even greater pool of interesting links is available for environment and development students, researchers and practitioners to explore. In the following we list some of the pages and portals that we find particularly interesting to our work.


A science network in Africa, funded by german Ministry of Research BMBF. The network aims at long-term observation of the change of biodiversity on the African continent. The webpage gives acces to metada, including data on 21 Biodiversity Observatories in Namibia, and scientific links to many biodiversity programs.


Falling the call for enhanced communication and networking amongst the Community-based Natural Resource Management practitioner community CBNRM Net’s website provides a set of broad, robust and useful networking tools aimed at linking stakeholders


The “Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research” is supporting 15 international agricultural centers (e.g. ICARDA=International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas based in Syria; ILRI=International Livestock Research Institute; Nairobi); the aim of CGIAR and its affiliates is to achieve sustainable food security and reduce poverty in developing countries. The webpages of CGIAR and its centers contain plenty of useful information linking agriculture with environment.

Conservation International (CI)

A U.S. based international organization, CI is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation. CI applies innovations in science, economics, policy and community participation to protect Earth’s richest regions of plant and animal diversity in the hotspots, major tropical wilderness areas and key marine environment.

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

As one of the three Rio Conventions, the CBD is a multi-lateral environmental agreement that aims to address the global biodiversity crises through international negotiations on policies and law. The CBD webpage contains much useful information on biodiversity related work and a gateway to accessing any legal documentation since the inception of the Convention.

Development Gateway

An independent not-for-profit organization, the Development Gateway was initially developed by the World Bank. The DG aims to building partnerships and information systems that provide access to knowledge and development, using powerful information and communication technologies (ICT). You can subscribe to a regular e-mail serve.

ELDIS – Gateway for Development Information worldwide

The “Electronic Development and Environment Information System” makes available current information on development themes. It contains many links to useful organizations, projects, documents, libraries and is a very dynamic information platform.


Having a wide portfolio of mandates and associated programmes, the webportal of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO), is a welcome source for technical information. Practical toolkits and downloadable information make this page truly useful for the practitioner. You will have to surf through many sub-sections to fully exploit the wealth of the information available.


Being one of the key multi-lateral funding mechanisms for conservation and environment work, the webpage of the Global Environment Facility contains much technical information relevant to funding procedures and databases on supported projects. Relevant guidelines and policy documents are also posted.

Global Development Network

GDN is a global network of research and policy institutes working together to address problems of national and regional development. The GDN webpage contains a wealth of useful information and resource materials.


Key cooperation agency of the German Government, the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), their webpage contains a number of very useful information materials, training modules and publications.

IDS info service

Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK, brokers a great range of resources on environment and development, governance and international politics, on their website.


Based in the UK, the International Institute for Environment & Development is a information node, through generating own knowledge and communicating on cutting-edge data and understanding. Their webpage contains a resources center and many reports and publications are downloadable form the web.

Livelihoods connect

This is DFID’s learning platform supporting the implementation of sustainable livelihoods approaches. The portal is hosted at IDS.

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)

Assessments of the status and trends of our environment are important to give us clear indications of where we are going with global development. The MA is the largest assessment effort of its kind. The MA webpage contains progress information on the drafting of the MA reports, background to the methods applied and other.


Founded by ministers of science and technology, higher education and academies and research councils in developing countries, the Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO), a non-governmental organization, assists developing countries in designing Science & Technology strategies, integrating them into policies and strengthening collaboration between scientific organizations.


Amongst the three Rio Conventions the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) focuses on dryland area conservation and sustainable use. The Convention’s webpage contains all relevant legal documents and other information material pertaining to the implementation of the agreement.


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has been actively working towards global environmental sustainability since its formation in the 1970’ties. The UNEP webpage provides new overviews on current environment issues and background on the many UNEP associated programmes and portfolios.


Addressing one of the most pressing global environmental threats, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change facilitates international negotiations towards solid commitments and follow-up actions reducing hazardous emissions, mitigating the effects of climate change and help vulnerable countries adapt to predicted changes. The UNFCCC is one of the three Rio Conventions.

The World Bank

The webpage portal of the World Bank provides a rich content for the development practitioner, with resourceful documentation to be down loaded. A number of training networks are hosted by the World Bank as well.


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