Weather data
A large number of automatic weather stations has been implemented in the frame of the BIOTA AFRICA project by the Namibian National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Group "Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology" (BEE) of the University of Hamburg. The website offers hourly updates of data and graphs of a large number of weather parameters.


13th Namibian Rangeland Forum

The role of biodiversity in rangeland management and policy

27-29 October 2009 Windhoek / Namibia

The Namibian Rangeland Forum held its 13th annual meeting on 27-29 October 2009 at the Neudamm campus of the University of Namibia's Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, east of Windhoek. This year the forum was hosted by BIOTA AFRICA through the Polytechnic of Namibia, under the theme "The role of biodiversity in rangeland management and policy". It attracted 69 participants, including farmers, students, government officials and researchers. Presenters from Botswana and South Africa brought along new ideas that could be implemented in Namibia. Workshops proposed improvements to Namibia's draft National Rangeland Management Policy and Strategy. Field visits took place to BIOTA AFRICA research sites previously mentioned in two of the presentations.

Common documents


Presentations on Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Richard Fynn
The scale of grazing: its influence on rangeland quality, carrying capacity and herbivore population performance

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Andreas Petersen et al
The role of the soils in rangelands: supporting biodiversity and biomass production

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Frank Bockmühl
Evidence of impact of bush encroachment on groundwater resources

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Dave Joubert
he dynamics of Acacia mellifera, implications for bush encroachment management

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Justus Kauatjirue et al
Pilot restoration project in a key fertile valley of the Highland Savanna

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Dagmar Honsbein
The influence of thermo-chemical conversion on rangeland condition

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Stephanie Domptail
The role of bio- and landscape diversity in farming strategies - the case of the Keetmanshoop commercial farms

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Thomas Falk et al
Application of an ecological-economic rangeland management model for interactive role-plays, scientific analyses and training purposes

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Bertus Kruger
Cooperative rangeland management of neighbouring resettled farms

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Lahja Tjilumbu
The influence of patch burning in the Thornbush Savanna

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Ibo Zimmermann
The influence of high stocking density followed by rest on grass density and soil moisture in the Camelthorn Savanna

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Sagaria Muheua
Helminth management in sheep for healthy rangeland

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BIOTA para-ecologists
Film "Bridging the gap"

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Presentations on Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Leon Lubbe et al
Towards a national rangeland policy and strategy (NRMPS) for Namibia

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Riaan Dames
The controlled fodder flow grazing management strategy

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Sebastian Prediger et al
Cooperation in the commons: evidence from a cross-cultural field experiment on common-pool resource management

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Stephanie Domptail
Can land taxes be a tool for rangeland conservation?

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Angelique Groenewaldt
The practicalities of implementing the NRMPS from a legal perspective

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Taimi Kapalanga (on her behalf)
Land degradation monitoring and assessment methods: A review

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Hugh Pringle (on his behalf)
Rangelands as catchment ecosystems

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Axel Rothauge
What does it need to repair the condition and productivity of Namibian rangelands

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Axel Rothauge
Brainstorming a national restoration plan

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Louisa Mupetami
Drafting of recommendations

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