The scientific programme encompasses talks and posters according to the topics listed under the item "Congress Topics".
- The programme for the scientific talks is available here: PDF congress programme
. Updated version 28 September 2008
- Posters will be presented in two sessions, a compilation of the posters can be found here: PDF poster presentations
. Updated version 26 September 2008
Instructions for oral and poster presentations |
- In general, the time allotted for oral presentations is 15 min talk plus 5 min for discussion. Few presentations will be shorter (15 or 10 min in total), please refer to the scientific programme to check the time slot given for your personal talk.
- Talks should be saved in MS Power Point *.ppt - files (version 97-2003). In case you need any other application during your presentation please contact the congress office in advance. Please save your presentation on CD, memory stick or any other removable medium. You will not be able to use your own computer.
- Please print posters on A0 sized, vertically formatted paper. Mounting material (pins, sticky tape, scissors etc.) will be provided. The poster sessions will be held in the Old Wine Cellar. The poster authors are requested to be present at their posters in the allocated slot (on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon) to discuss their posters with interested colleagues. The numbers for the posters will be given upon registration at the Congress Venue.
